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        "Sonya provided me executive coaching and leadership training that was extremely helpful and insightful. Her approach to cognitive change has helped me surmount lifelong challenges and find greater success in achieving my career goals and aspirations. Thank you, Sonya!"

Rebecca F. Green, Marketing Director

IMA Financial Group

        "Sonya  is patient, deeply insightful, kind, and challenging when helpful. She partners effectively with clients to align the coaching with their personal goals, and she is unusually skillful and patient. 

       The qualities that stand out most for me about Sonya are: 1) her intelligence, commitment, and passion for learning; and 2) the unusual depth and quality of her life experience. Sonya doesn’t just pursue things she is interested in as hobbies. She brings these interests into the very center of her life in a way that very few people I have met have the courage to. Sonya’s professional experiences also have very clearly and obviously expanded her lens on life, what she believes to be most important, and how to be in service to others.

        If you are fortunate enough to have an opportunity to work with Sonya, I cannot recommend her highly enough. She is an amazing human being and a dedicated and talented coach.

You will not regret your decision to partner with her."

Craig Stanton, JD, MA, MCC

Assoc. Dir. of Administrative Management, NIH National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute;

Faculty, Georgetown Institute for Transformational Leadership

        "Sonya is brilliant, compassionate, dedicated, and possesses extraordinary insight. She is an excellent listener who really loves coaching people to achieve breakthroughs. She has an amazing knack for seeing things from a fresh and valued perspective. She has my highest recommendation!"

David Mills, CFO

United Way of the Greater Triangle

        "Working with Sonya was truly transformative. With her guidance, I was able to move from an entry level position to a mid-career level role with confidence. As a new manager, it was extremely helpful to have trustworthy and reliable support and feedback. Through our sessions, I gained tools that helped me tune into both my intuition and logical mindset to navigate challenges when I was well outside my comfort zone. Sonya helped me look at the roots of my tendencies to overwork, overcommit and people please and empowered me to create healthier boundaries so I can meet my commitments with increased ease and sustainability. 


        Sonya is a tremendous listener who has a natural ability to ask powerful questions that often led me to reach transformative realizations simply through the process of responding. If you're ready to grow, look no further!"


Emily Hall

Program Manager,

Access Youth, Inc.




Thanks for reaching out! I will be in touch with you soon.

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