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The Leadership Circle®

The Leadership Circle Profile™ 360° Assessment

The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) is unique among 360° profiles because it is the only instrument that measures two robustly researched primary leadership domains: Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies. That is, it identifies not just those qualities that are the hallmarks of effective leadership, but also those tendencies that we all rely on to keep us comfortable and safeto avoid risk of failure. By revealing how a leader is showing up in both domains, the profile allows clients to observe the areas in which they might be “playing not to lose” rather than “playing to win.”


Following a debrief in which the client can begin to understand how others experience their leadership in these two domains, we offer one-on-one coaching to assist them in generating increased awareness about how their assumptions and beliefs might lead to the overuse of their Reactive Tendencies. We can then work to develop strategies for dialing back those tendencies and nurturing and developing the client's Creative Competencies in service of more effective, integral leadership.


The Leadership Circle Profile™ is created and owned by The Leadership Circle®


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If you believe your leadership would benefit from a comprehensive 360 assessment, schedule a call with us so we can discuss how it might be used as a stand-alone or integrated coaching tool for your organization.

BRITE (Broad-based Roots Influencing Team Effectiveness)

Starting a team coaching engagement with a BRITE assessment can provide insight into the quality of team interactions using five critical elements contributing to team success. The assessment examines generative and disruptive factors to evaluate current team effectiveness and reveal where team development work will have the greatest impact. 


By using a BRITE assessment to identify overall group goals, as well as what factors (individual and collective) might be disrupting team effectiveness, we can transform barriers to success like conflict, competition, lack of trust, and inefficiencies into the proven features of healthy teams: collaboration, mutual support, creativity, innovation, and productivity.

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Schedule a call with us to explore this robust assessment and how we might work together to increase your team's capacity, effectiveness, and productivity.

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