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Corporate Leadership Coaching

I offer 6- to 12-month corporate-sponsored engagements for managers and executives, empowering them to develop and nurture their own brand of values-driven, creative leadership, and to address specific behaviors that might be holding them back. By learning to let go of reactive, crisis management and to lead with courageous authenticity and strategic vision, clients not only become more effective in achieving bottom-line goals, but they create working environments in which everyone can thrive.


If you need coaching for several members of your team or corporation, I partner with other coaches to provide conflict-free, team-based coaching.


Rates vary. Book a free 30-minute consultation for more information.

If you are interested in a 360° assessment for you or one or more members of your team, I also offer Leadership Circle Profile™ 360° assessments, debriefs, and coaching. Learn More →

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